

On Mach 12 I went to Vegas with some of my peeps for the ASD shows. (Jewelry, and gift show) We had so much fun shopping for jewelry, and hitting all the malls.  Jeff told me to have a good time, and buy what I want for a Pre-Birthday gift.  I took full advantage of his invitation.  Pedicure, massage, good food, shopping, and laying out by the pool.  I love you Jeff.

March 19 Jeff, and I took the girls to St. George for a little family time.  We had  a friend invite us to Vegas for his birthday, but 3 trips to Vegas in one month was a little much for me.  We ended up driving in to Vegas for a night to hang out, and for his Birthday dinner.  Things worked out perfect!  We were able to spend some time with the girls in nice warm weather, and also hangout with the friends for a night.