

Ellie had her first Gymnastics meet!   She was a little nervous, but pulled through, and did a great job.  She had a great time, and can't wait to start competing in the spring, with Addie.  Good job Ellie!   All your hard work is paying off!

What a star!  Ellies coaches said "She looks, and acts like a gymnast."

Ellie is incredibly strong, and fast.  Her best event was the vault.

It was fun to see Ellie's routines she has been practicing.
Ellie had great form on the beam.  She has no fear, which is great!

I caught Addie picking her nose while she was watching Ellies meet.  It was pretty funny!  The meet was actually fun, and not to long.
   Addison is finally back to practice at the gym, after her accident with her arm.  She is way excited to start meets herself!